Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Potage Parmentier Revised

A truly dedicated foodie blogger should know all about the movie/book "Julie and Julia", written by Julie Powell. I watched this movie on the plane going over to London. I love watching movies on planes; there is something so cozy and delectable about knowing you have your very own tv all to yourself and can change the channel, fast forward, rewind to your heart's content without bothering anyone - plus the boyfriend/ husband won't complain about having to watch another sappy rom-com - hee hee :)

When "Julie and Julia" formed part of the movie lineup on the plane - I took it as a sign (I am big on signs coming from the heavens, guiding me in the right direction ;-)) Yes, it was indeed fate - my blog had started at just the right time and Julie Powell was proof that blogs can change your life...

Well, I am still waiting for Hollywood to phone me up to make a movie out of my allergy free blog :) - but it has changed my life in other ways - It has given me a sense of purpose and opened me up to a whole part of myself that I hadn't been embracing - and that part is my imaginative way of working around my allergies and coming up with tasty recipes even allergy-free people enjoy.

I do digress though - I recently bought the book on Kalahari.net and the first recipe Julie makes is Potage Parmentier, which I subconsciously made my own version of. (Ok, I actually just made a potato soup, but the timing was freaky!)

I must say though, it is one of the simplest, yet tastiest soups I have made - just as Julie is stunned in the book by how a potato can make such a wonderful and satisfying soup - so was my boyfriend :) Once again, my poor boyfriend was my guinea pig - I'm sure there are some perks to the job though - like when you create something so amazing, you feel compelled to lick the bowl!

Potato and Thyme Soup:
(Serves 4)


3 Large Potatoes, Peeled and Diced
1 Onion, Diced
A Teaspoon of Whole Coriander Seeds
Sprinkle of Dried French Herbs
Bunch of Thyme
Herbal Salt
Cracked Black Pepper
Squeeze of Lemon Juice


Fry onion in a sprinkle of salt until translucent
Add the diced potatoes and fry a little
Add a cup or two of water - enough to create a soup-like consistency
Add the french herbs, coriander seeds, herbal salt and pepper
Bring to the boil and then simmer until potatoes are almost tender
Add the bunch of thyme and squeeze of lemon juice
Simmer until potatoes are tender
Remove thyme and blits soup
Serve with a dollop of soya cream or sweet potato crisps

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